The Marilyn Conspiracy

Review: The Marilyn Conspiracy

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Marilyn Monroe, the iconic Hollywood star, remains etched in our collective memory as a tragic heroine of the Golden Age. Beautiful, talented, and gone too soon, her life and death continue to captivate us. But what if there were secrets hidden in those final hours?

The Marilyn Conspiracy, co-written by Vicki McKellar and Olivier Award-winning director Guy Masterson, takes us on a gripping journey. Set against the backdrop of Marilyn’s mysterious demise, the play unveils the crucial missing hours between her death and the police report of an apparent “drugs overdose” suicide.

In those hours, seven of Marilyn’s closest confidantes gather to pen the closing chapter of her story. The tension is palpable as lies are untangled, myths debunked, and disturbing new evidence emerges. The threat of a political tangle looms, as we uncover Monroe’s infamous involvement with the Kennedy brothers.

Genevieve Gaunt shines as Marilyn, capturing both vulnerability and strength. She channels Marilyn’s overlooked complexity, overshadowing her perceived ditziness.

The ensemble cast, including Natasha Colenso, Sally Mortemore, and Declan Bennett, delivers powerful performances. Director Guy Masterson’s staging is masterful, using minimalistic sets to focus our attention on the characters’ emotional turmoil. The lighting design by Tom Turner adds depth, while Jack Arnold’s haunting compositions entrance the atmosphere.

The pacing was sometimes challenging because the finger-pointing and deliberations between the ensemble felt cyclical. The various theories could perhaps be handled more interestingly to keep the audience transfixed.

But while the pacing at times lost the audience, the play’s research and bold storytelling make it. As the truth unravels, we’re left questioning our assumptions about Marilyn’s final moments.

The Marilyn Conspiracy is a must-see for anyone captivated by the enigma that was Marilyn Monroe and the conspiracy theories surrounding her death.

Note: Press night was moved to Thursday due to Natasha Colenso permanently taking on the role of Patricia Kennedy Lawford due to cast illness. We still saw the show on Monday, and took this cast change into consideration, but held back our review.

The Marilyn Conspiracy runs at Park Theatre until July 27.

Photo: (c) NUX Photography